Available Studies
Please check out the list below, and see if there is a study that might be right for you.
Study # 2408
Men & Women.
, ages 18-55 years old years old.
Compensation up to $10,000
This study will consist of 20 overnight stays (Depending on Randomization), and one follow-up visit.
Study # 2409
Healthy obese
Men & Women.
, ages 18-<65 years old. years old.
Compensation up to $42,275
This study will consist of up to 103 overnight stays (Depending on Randomization), one follow-up visit, and one follow-up phone call.
Study # 2404
Men & Women.
, ages 18-65 years old. years old.
Compensation up to $9,000
This study will consist of up to 8 overnight stays (Depending on Randomization), and one follow-up visit.
Study # 2402 – A
Men & Women.
, ages 18-70 years old years old.
Compensation up to $28,300
This study will consist of either 34 or 62 overnight stays (Depending on Randomization), one follow-up visit, and one follow-up phone call.
QPS has an almost constant supply of new and ongoing clinical research studies that are seeking healthy participants. Please check out the studies listed above to see if there is one that may be right for you.
If you’ve already submitted an application and find a clinical research study that you would like to enroll in, please call to speak to a Recruiting Coordinator at 305-722-4440 between 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday.
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If you are already participating in a trial and would like to review the details, please visit our ongoing studies page.