
All clinical studies we conduct are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB).
This board’s only function is to review research involving humans and to ensure the testing will not adversely impact the individuals’ rights and welfare. The IRB is made up of members of the community not associated with QPS and includes individuals who are medical and non-medical professionals.
An Informed Consent Form (ICF) is provided to each participant prior to beginning the study.
The ICF provides participants all the facts about the study, including the name of the pharmaceutical company sponsoring the study, details about the drug being tested, possible risks and benefits, participants rights and the expected payment for participation. After reading the ICF, you will meet with a QPS staff member to review the information and ask any questions.
Study related physical examination and review of medical history.
Prior to being accepted into the study, you will undergo a complete physical examination, including laboratory work. Physicals are at no cost to you. During the process, you are asked to provide your medical history in detail. To minimize your risk as a study participant, it is important that you provide a thorough and accurate account of all prescription and non-prescription medications or dietary supplements being used. The medical information is reviewed by the study physician to ensure that only healthy, qualified participants are enrolled in a study.
Each clinical research study is conducted under the supervision of trained medical personnel.
All drug products can produce side effects, and there is always a possibility of an allergic reaction. Study staff is on site for each dose in case of such an event.